Print Machine

Print Machine. How to Choose Correctly?

Choosing the printing machines are an investment for your business. The machines that you buy is not for a single-use, but you will use printing machines for a long time. You also would expect the machines to help and increase profits for your business. Because of that, bought the machine can not be in vain.

There are some misguided people in buying a printing press. He only consider the price factor alone, without considering that the print machine is for business investment. He would be happy if offered a printing machine at a low price. In the end, only regret in the future are obtained.

How to choose cheap price printing machine, but it could be a valuable business investment?. The trick is as follows:

1. See Brand Machine
Brand printing machine can show how the quality of these machines. Brand brings to the company's image. Manufacturer brands will not carelessly remove the product. The cheap prices offered by producers who have a known brand you can trust. At least they will not low-quality product out, because it could damage the image of other products.

Seeing the brand is the easiest way to see the quality of printing machines. But do not leave the other tips below.

What if there are cheap printing machine, but no brand or manufacturer is not clear?. Well, if that was not purchased ... Remember, you buy the machine for investment, you should know that the machine quality and who create. Thus, if at any time the machine is broken, spare part will be more easily obtained from the seller

2. See Engine Specifications
You should see the engine specifications. Specification usually consists of: capacity, material, dimensions, power, etc.. Watch it all, whether in accordance with your business needs. What is not adequate capacity, electricity and fuel is not fit what your condition. See also materials made of what the machine (iron, stainless steel, plastic, wood, etc.).

3. See repairs
Consider whether the machine is printing cheaper there a guarantee or not. If there is, how long. By seeing a warranty or not, you'll know how to convince dealers that the machine will be the quality of the merchandise. Distributors will not take risks with the machine that is not qualified. Therefore he would not give the product warranty.

4. Spare Parts and After Sales Service
Printing machines you buy must have suffered damage and the time you need a spare part and repair. Cheap printing machine you want to buy should also have partnya spare and repair process is also easy to do. Check with the seller. If the spare part, after sales service and repair process difficult to obtain, then you will risk later in life.